As a Baptist church we regard baptism as an important step in discipleship
At ABC we also count it a privilege to serve others.
We totally believe that a lifestyle of service is the way Jesus wants us to live, and so we do our best to support each other and help those who need it, wherever and however that may be.
Some of the ministry opportunities available at ABC are listed below.
If you're keen to get involved and join with our teams to make a difference we'd be keen to hear from you!
Service Teams
Service teams facilitate the smooth running of our church services.
They greet visitors, pray for the offering, serve tea and coffee after the service and most importantly, do the dishes! Currently service teams are on once every five weeks. You can identify them by the blue tag that they will be wearing.
Joining a service team is a great way to get to know people and an easy way to contribute.
Simply fill out the form and we'll be in touch!
We give our whole lives as a joyful response to God's grace and truth.
There is a number of ways in which you can show your commitment to the work of ABC by offering financial support
Note that any donations given to a registered charity (such as ABC) are tax deductible.
This means that at the end of the financial year you are eligible to receive a tax rebate of one-third (33%) of any financial donations you give to ABC.
(For more information see either www.ird.govt.nz or www.charities.govt.nz).